应创新创业学院邀请,全球顶级的设计创新技术顾问 Sergei Ikovenko 博士将来我校作报告,主题如下:TRIZ-based Innovation Methodology。上述报告将于2017年12月21日(本周四)下午16:00在图书馆111报告厅举行,欢迎参加!
【About the Speaker】
Dr. Sergei Ikovenko
■ Ph.D in Industrial Engineering, Dr.-Eng. in Environmental Engineering and Sciences, and Master degree in Patent Law.
■ One of the world-wide leading consultants and project facilitators in innovation technology of design, and an active member of ASME, ACS, and ASEE.
■ Author of more than 100 publications, and utilized his TRIZ expertise to receive 104 patents in various engineering fields.
■ Conducted more than 900 courses on innovation and TRIZ (Theory for Inventive Problem Solving) topics for Fortune 500 companies worldwide.
【Seminar Abstract】
TRIZ-based innovation (TRIZ stands for Theory for Inventive Problem Solving) is a powerful new approach that systematically builds and links a company's innovation strategy to its business strategy.
This seminar outlines major TRIZ-based Innovation approaches, and how they are being used for different types of projects (cost reduction, technology scouting, new market identification, innovation strategy development, etc.) by both world-class corporations and universities.