Surpassing industry standards for yield and purity of cell-free DNA (cfDNA), Apostle MiniMax from Beckman Coulter is a magnetic nanoparticle–based kit that extracts cfDNA from plasma using manual or automated workflows. Due to limited cfDNA concentration, sufficient yield for NGS or other downstream applications can require higher volumes of plasma. As the volume increases, issues such as recovery efficiency and workflow complexity often arise. Plasma contains a host of contaminants that are problematic at this scale and can reduce assay sensitivity.Apostle MiniMax technology performs reliably across a range of volume inputs, consistently recovering high quantities of cfDNA while effectively removing contaminants.
Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6441/696.1
南科征途 MiniMax 技术
对于液体活检等新型诊断产业,分离富集并分析血液(或其他类型体液)中含量极其低微的游离 DNA (cfDNA) 变得越来越重要,特别是在液体活检、无创产前筛查(NIPT)以及感染性疾病的诊断中尤为突出。从复杂的生物样本基质中高效抽提游离 DNA 是确保下游分析准确性的关键步骤。Apostle 独创的 MiniMax 技术保证了准备捕获并分离血液中的游离遗传物质,用于液体活检。
南科征途 MiniMax 高效游离 DNA 分离富集试剂盒
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图 文 编 辑 | Rong XIA
时 间 | 2019 年 9 月